FAQ, our answers to your most frequently asked questions about the project management maturity test FAQ, our answers to your most frequently asked questions about the project management maturity test
To all business managers : companies, departments, services, and business units, to name a few...
This test is designed to evaluate your company's ability to:
  • employ and promote a common management methodology for each of the projects launched.
  • master the implementation of a project portfolio in accordance with current operations
The questions are based on the reference model named SMPP : Project Portfolio Management System, created by IQar and labeled by Bureau Veritas Certification.
You will evaluate your company's project management maturity based on 23 requirements grouped around 5 key processs.
A gauge shows you how far you've progressed through the requirements that make up the test.
For each of the requirements, you can only select one answer.
The best answer is the one that best describes the context of your organization.
We recommend doing the test in one go, count 15 minutes.
You can, however, save your work at any time and return to the test later.
Your results will be emailed to you as a comprehensive PDF report.
This report, very complete, will be sent to you PDF file and respect the following plan:
  • Reminder of the test scope and acknowledgments.
  • Assessment of each of the 23 situations proposed. For each of the situations
    • Reminder of the situation,
    • Reminder of your choice,
    • Analysis of your choice,
    • Recommendations for the next steps
  • Overall evaluation of your project management maturity.
  • Statistical processing of your test.
IQar saves the results of your tests, in order to ensure the mechanism that allows you to save your work and resume it later.
Only the publisher, IQar, can access the list of people who have carried out the test.
Upon your simple request, we can delete your test or remove you from the database of people who have taken the test.
You can contact us through our contact form, or by phone : +33 4 37 58 49 93.